
Being No-Longer-Common 101 Part 6


They were out performing their normal routine, only to be interrupted. There was someone calling out to them with one word, C O M E. Who is this person standing on the shore or possibly walking in the water saying, “C O M E.” Could He have waited until they were back on shore or until their shift was over? Is what He needed so urgent that they must stop in the middle of what they had going on? Does He not know they were at work? What’s the deal?

“Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!”” – Mark‬ 1:17 NLT‬‬

Jesus called out to them
Jesus, who is unlike any other man on the planet, called out to this group of friends, “come, follow me…”

Could He have waited until they were back on shore or until their shift was over?

No, the more you do what you do, the more comfortable you become with it. That means the less likely you will be to let it go. You might even fight to hold on to what’s “common” to you. It can be a good thing to stop right where you are and not wait until you get down the road and further off course.

Is what He needs so urgent that they must stop in the middle of what they had going on?

What Jesus wants to do in your life is urgent. It’s normal for us to put off our dreams and goals for a later date. We put off doing them until we’re ready. I had to give my friend this advice; you’re holding off on what you’re doing because your present doesn’t look like your future. What am I saying? The end you have in mind looks better, more put together, more complete, than your beginning position. The truth is…every dream starts this way. It may seem awful from the start however the end-the finished product-will be amazing. Putting off for a later time is called procrastination. It’s the number one enemy to your dream being accomplished.
It says…
I’m not qualified for the promotion. Don’t apply yet.
I’m not ready for this responsibility. Wait until I’m older.
I don’t have enough money to get started. Let me save for a while.
Who will listen or follow me? Don’t start that group, church or business until someone listens.
What makes me think I can do this? Don’t have confidence in yourself.
I’m not smart enough to finish my degree pursuits. Give up altogether.

Jesus stopping you, in the middle of what you’re currently doing, is urgent and worth it. Because He’s important, it says that someone important wants to talk to you. It’s like having the President of the United States stop and single you out. You’ve been singled out. “Follow me!”

Does He not know we’re at work?

Yes, He knows exactly where you are. You’re right where He wants you. You’re like a treasure buried deep in the ground. What you have is so valuable to others. “Common” wants you to believe what you are currently doing-your gifts, talents and skills-are of no use to others much less to God. Don’t listen to the voice of normal, average, or mediocre.

Jesus made the initial contact, He called out. The next step was theirs. The next step is also yours.

Follow Image

“follow me”

Jesus says to the young fishermen who were on the boat, “follow me.” The initial contact was made by Jesus, but now it was time for the guys to give their response. Are you ready to respond?

They had two choice and so do you: (1) turn down the offer or (2) take the offer.

Turn down the offer

The candidates to become Jesus’ disciples could have said no, we’d rather stay where we are. They could have remained where it was comfortable. They could have remained where they felt safe. They could have remained “common.”

Most people turn down the offer. They don’t want to change. They’re afraid of it. “Common, normal, usual” feels like a safe place. There are no unknowns and certainly no unknown risks.

Take the offer

However, these men said something totally different. Different means you’ve decided to do what someone else wouldn’t do. In this case, they decided to do what wasn’t normal or popular. They decided to follow someone unlike them. They decided to take the offer.

To follow means you must be willing to be led to greater places. Surely you don’t follow someone to “lessor” places. Following Jesus, or anyone for that matter, must be a voluntary action for each person.
Stop doing life your way when there’s a better way waiting for you. “Follow me!”

Take a look at where you wrote down the name of who you follow. Think about the person you follow. Are they just like you or different? I suspect, they’re different. So, why are you trying to remain the same? It’s time to stop playing around and become like the person you follow-different. It’s time to be “no-longer-common”. “Follow me”; the next step is yours.

The No-Longer-Common Action: Why are you trying to remain the same? Leave your response and comments on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.

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