Level 16 – Love Doesn’t Fail

The 16 Levels of Love – Part 17

The long awaited level 16 is finally here.  The 1st 15 levels have been extraordinary.  They have shown us two things: 1) the love we’ve been missing and 2) the love we can [and should] have.  Level 16 is no different.  Once you step out of the elevator to level 16, you see these words: Love Can Not Fail.

Reading this statement alone implies that normal “love” fails.  We are not shielded from relationships that fail.  In fact divorce occurs at a rate of roughly 50%.  That means half of the relationships we know and have ever known, fail.  The uncommon implication is, that of those that fail, they are missing this 16th level of “love”.  There is no failing when it comes to “love”.

Love never fails.  It keeps going to the very end.

Be careful it’s easy to equate failing marriages [relationships] with “love”.  The two are not the same.  You can have a relationship without “love, but you can’t have “love” without a relationship.  The question is what does this phrase, “love never fails” mean?  What does it mean by love can not fail?

We will need to define “fail”.
Fail:  less than a passing grade, to be unsuccessful, to miss the mark, to overlook, to deteriorate.

Let’s insert a few of these definitions.  Love can’t have a less than passing grade.  Love isn’t something that flunks. Love is an above average thing.  A ‘C’ average won’t do.  Love doesn’t barely pass.  Love breeds success.  It’s the one component that ensures your success in any area you apply it.  Love doesn’t miss the mark or overlooks another and it doesn’t deteriorate.  Love is the tool that improves who we are.

Love never fails.
“Never.”  Love “never” fails.  Failure is not an option when it comes to love [level-16].  To love means you find a way to achieve no matter what.  Love that never fails, continues until success is made.  It brings the confidence that you will reach the finish-line.  Doubt no longer exists at this level.  You can do it; you will do it.

Love keeps going to the very end.
Level 16 – love fights through to the end.  This level of love is championship type-love. What if you had someone who was willing to go with you to the very end?  What if that person beside you couldn’t give out?  They show no signs of tiring, frustration, or fatigue.  This is what it means to have level 16 – love.

I know you’re thinking [because so am I] where was all this when I decided to “love”?  These 16 levels are showing me how I can love.  Level 16 gives me what is needed to persevere.  We can have the relationship no one else has.  We can do what others have failed to do.  We can love in a way no one else loves.  This is what makes us uncommon [no-longer-common].  Love never fails and keeps going to the finish-line.

Level-Sixteen’s Opposite
This is my favorite part of writing. By asking a few questions I get to look at the opposite of level sixteen love. To be honest, it’s just exposing that what’s normal isn’t really “love”.  Let’s do it!

  • Do you see your significant other as your champion?
  • Do you have the confidence that your spouse will never give out, give in, or give up on you?
  • Are you finding ways to get over the hurts and disappointments at all costs?
  • Are you overcoming fatigue, tiring and the frustrations that the relationship brings?

These aren’t tough questions just questions that make us take a look at the “normal” person we are.  It shows us that it’s time to kick “normal” out and bring in “uncommon”.

Having Level-Sixteen Love
Common: There’s no need to worry about failing in a relationship; it’s okay to end one and go on to the next until you find the one just right for you.
You might not know this now, but without the 16 levels of love there is no relationship that’s just right for you.  You can’t truly have a lasting relationship without applying one or more of the 16 levels of love.

Uncommon: When you decide to be your significant other’s champion, what you’ve done is commit to winning, succeeding and never failing.  
This is uncommon.  The key to having love that never fails starts with the attitude that you can’t fail.  It’s not an option. Take failing off the table.  We must win.  That’s level-sixteen love.

Are you as excited about this as I am?  We’ve come to the final level and if you’re late in joining us it’s okay to start here and work backward.  The order isn’t important.  Now it’s time to say it; insert your name into this phrase.

<Your name> will never fail.  <Your name> is my significant other’s champion and they are mine.

Question: What can you do to add confidence to your significant other or yourself to be the champion of your relationship?  Leave a comment below.

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