Romans 8

Romans 8:11 Why die when you don’t have to?

“The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.”  – Romans 8:11 (NLT)

The power that was able to change the way we track years, is the same power that lives in us when we accept Jesus or in my words become no-longer-common.  We now have the same power available to us that altered the history of the world… forever.  It’s His spirit that’s in us and gives life to our body.  With Him we live, without Him we die.

I know what you’re thinking, everyone dies.  However, I would like to remind you that that’s only in the “commonly” accepted sense of the words.  There is a misunderstanding of what it means to live and die according to popular thinking.  Dying goes against everything that Jesus stood for.  It’s anti-Christ. He came to give you what He calls “life”.  What we call life (common) and what He calls life (uncommon) are different.  What that also means is…what we call death (common) and what He calls death (uncommon) aren’t the same.  Because I’m no-longer-common, I trade my definition for His.  I hope you will too.

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